Sunday, August 14, 2011

Can U Move what Eyes See? pt. III >>> Thinglink + ImAge= I-Con-Text as Frame & Field

Thinglink changes the function of an image.

An image now becomes a Context which supports links to other forms of Content.

Thus, the 'enriched image' embedded by new 'Points' of View, is transformed into an

An I-Con-text is the image as a platform. The image functioning as a Field of ideas & a Frame of Reference.

For the User, all cognitive connections & imaginative associations, made while moving between the layers of embedded content, are Playing within the 'Main' Frame of the Image.

Thus, the embedded Thinglink tags are Structuring the Association Tree of branching Perspectives & Novel Connections- discovered while exploring the Image.

Any & all Hyperlinking, including the total Nexus of Events & Meanings to be navigated & revealed; are Woven through the Singularity of the image as a Contextual Window.

By becoming a door into the Internet, the image functions as Icon & Backdrop, through which we surf a uniquely organized, Hyperlinked web of Associations.
An Image becomes a 'choose your own adventure' gateway.
The Key, being that no matter which chamber the Traveler enters into or which chance discovery is engaged; the Journey has been set into play & Synchronized by the Architecture of connections Embedded in the I-Con-text.

No matter how long the trip through the branching Association Tree, the 'Aura' of the Image persists.
This makes Our memory function like RAM.
As in Music, the interlinking Rhythms & Patterns become Variations on a {[(visual)]} Theme.
All Pathways & Connections are Transposed into the Key of the Context.
The image as I-Con-Text.

Modulating the movements of Mind through a Sequence of encounters within the 'Mode' of the Image, Maps the User's Awareness into a field of shifting textures- mirroring a 'Musical' exploration of Time.
The Aura of the image, becomes a 'Resonant Interval'- integrating a Fugue of perspectives & ideas.

Thus, the 'Space' of the Image, acts like an Atomic NucleUs, Around which all Electron Fields of interconnected content are 'Orbiting'.
Each Link exerts a Force, modifying the other 'Nodes' within the Field System of the image.
The I-Con-Text, as a Unifying Principle of Awareness, becomes an Imagination Vector.
A kind of Hyper-Space.

Because you can include links to Myspace, Facebook & other personal touchpoints, in effect, the ThinglinkeD I-Con-Text becomes a real-time, Micro-Websight.

The fact that an I-Con-Text is a real-time Eye-Meme, which can go viral & be tracked, means that you Upgrade your approach through Feedback.
You can even make your Image InterActive.

Learning how to play with images & learning how a message 'Plays' makes you a better Surfer, as you continue to catch the Temporal Waves of NewS- networking Phases, Trends & Fashions.
Transmitting customized Signals through the Global Tides of Current Events, while Tuning other Folks into your Frequency.

The 'Thinglink image' functions as Discovery Probe & a Radio Signal-
Broadcast into the Noosphere.
By Synchronizing with other Frequencies, other Folks might also find themselves on your Wavelength; exploring not only the Association Tree of a real-time MassAge, but moving with the Rhythms of your other Frames of Reference- such as your Websights & Blogs.

Think of it a Social Networking on a higher level of Resonance, where principles of Art & Aesthetics provide the Bandwidth. Networking Tele-Pathways through like-minded Souls.

Welcome to The 'Eye-Me-Age' . . .

Weaving the 'Arch-A-Text-U-Are' of the Web through Points of View, inside an I-Con-Text.

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