Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can U Move what Eyes See? pt. II > Thinglink: Art+Education= Electronic Literacy

Turning a Message into a Concept, allows a Trans-contextual synthesis of Ideas to become common place- Instant Messages become Interactive Fields.

Thinglink teaches us to integrate the Information Implosion with Imagination & Vision.
Linking ideas within an image gives messages a Narrative Dimension.

{[( Image as Meta-Context = MassAge as Metaphor )]}

This Expressive Potential inspires us to try & Communicate our sense of the Multidimensional, Global Culture of the 21st Century:

We start thinking like DJ's . . .
Envisioning Everyday Elements of Experience as possible material for The Art of Communication.
This new way of Connecting Content, builds Vocabularies for Organizing Ideas.

We become more Electronically Literate.

Electronic Literacy, involves learning the language of Creative Synthesis; encoding, translating & deciphering various layers of meaning, woven into the Synchronous Textures of the Mosaic Method- the defining Mode of Object Relations in the 21 Century.

Working with Thinglink, instruct us in the various Flavors of this Depth Involvement, within the Real-time experience of Instant Messaging.

As we Move with & are Moved by the 'Touching' of images, we are initiated into the charged & entangled sensitivities of Artistic Immediacy. Learning to Appreciate & Personalize the Eye-Media-Sea of the Communicating Momentum.

Thinglinking thoughts into an I-Con-Text, turns Moments into Momentum & Concepts into Gestalts, with the all the casual ease of Polite Conversation- while @ the same time, empowering Personal Creativity.

Within the Cyber-Netted, Satellite Relay, Station-to-Station, Cell-Matrix of Electronic Culture; Our Minds are being re-Patterned to reflect the Connectionist Architecture of cascading Thought-flows & Moving Pictures . . .

Inside this Ecology of Mind, Thinglink becomes an Educational Tool.

By Arranging ElectricK elements into a Field of Meaning, we creatively Assimilate Our Experiences through Modes of Inspiration . . .

{[(^ Mix: activate all three turntable tags together ^)]}

Inspiration as In-Formation= Influencing Learning through the Power of I-Con-Texts:

In a Creative mode of Awareness, we are Receptive, Attentive & more Sensitive to the "Pattern that Connects".
Creative Vision acts as a Cognitive Attractor, generating Coherency & sharpening Focus. A Dynamic & inspired state of Mind which Harmonizes Intuitions & Insights.

{[( Perceiving New Patterns Changes Our Rhythms )]}

Navigating an infinite Ocean of Knowledge & Data, the journey is Significant if we can Learn the Art of Organizing what we Discover. Information has Meaning only if we can provide a Living Context for creative or practical use. Creativity is the primary Mode of experience wherein we Learn how to Discover & Discover how to Learn.

{[( New Rhythms Change Our Perception of Pattern )]}

Inspiration is a force which synchronizes the Resonant Space of Our Imagination with the Atmosphere of Our Time(S). This calibrated sensitivity, Tunes us into the Extended Back-Round of {[( NoW )]}. The Comprehensive 'Canvas of Current Events' upon which Our Image will be Figured against.

{[( Rhythms of NewS inform Our Perception of Changing Patterns )]}

In turning I-Con-Texts into personalized Gestalts, we Configure our Content by re-Figuring the EnvironMental Ground. Calculating the 'Net Effects' of our Stylized Expressions. Apprehending the Ecology of Current Events as a vital factor in the Art of our Instant Message.

{[( Our NewS Perceptions are Patterned into the Changing Rhythms )]}

As we fashion our constellations of perspectives into image-fields, within the shortest & simplest of exchanges, we all becomes pioneers in the Art of Electronic Communication.

Myspace, Facebook & Blogspots, are converted into Central Publishing Workshops & Relay Stations, for the propagation of personalized Memes. Eye-Me-Age design studios, where Everyman is empowered as an Artist/Activist- crafting Real-Time, I-Con-Texts.
Setting them Out to Sail Upon the Ocean of the Noosphere . . .

{[( We Patten Perceptions by Changing the Rhythm of NewS )]}

" . . . Receive & Transmit . . . Receive & Transmit . . . "

{[( NewS Rhythms Change, When we're Perceiving Patterns )]}

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