Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Can U Move what Eyes See? pt. IV >>>>Thinglink: Electronic Literacy & Cubist Grammar

{[(^Mix: activate soundcloud + 'physics of sound' (adjust Volume) Enjoy the blend/bend^)]}

& about the Evolution of Communication . . .

It's all about involving Us in the Process of translating the Universal Language of Images, through the Power of Imaging Our Translations of Universal Experience; in a Culture where the Global is re-Localized . . .
through the Looking-glass of each individual I-Con-Text.

The Mythic Everyman 'Converging' the Artifacts & Cliches of Culture,
into Communications of Archetypal Resonance.

Re-Collecting the Electromagnetic Ecology of the World Museum-
Into Arch-A-Text-U-Are . . .

{[( Transforming MassAges into Electrick Mandalas )]}

We should all re-Jocye in this (James, that is...) because when Images & Sounds exchange their symbolic Values inside the Lens of I-Con-Texts, they become like Post-Modern Pictograms, which begin to function as PUNs.

Puns involve us in more than one Perspective Dimension @ Once.

The Eye-Me-Age is Hieroglyphic-Mosaic

& Everyman is One step closer to developing what Eyes Sea as Cubist Grammar . . .

Cubist Grammar:
     Perceived in a Mode of Focused Receptivity which synthesizes Imagination & Interpretation; synchronizing Exploration & Assimilation.  A Mode where the Aesthetic Resonances of Electrified Artifacts become Experiential Gestalts of Presence & Participation.
     In the Electronic Space of sensory immersion, all 'illuminated' content encodes layers of subtle information about the Historically Conditioned Psyche; Signaling Symbolic Significance through the characteristic Textures, Designs & Tonal Qualities informing the various Writings, Pictures, Films & Recordings we encounter.
     The {[( LOGOS )]} power of the Archetype is articulated through the Aura of an Image, where Figures & Grounds exchange Values within Temporal Topologies.
     {[( Hieroglyphic-Mosaics )]} are comprehended through the InterPlay of Pattern & Knowledge.  The charged Image-Context as an Aura, becomes a Resonant Interval of shifting configurations, where the Structure of Mind is Mirrored in Flickering Facts, unfolding through interlaced sequences of Interaction & Analysis; Integrating Analogical Intuitions Interpenetrating our Synthesized Translations.

That's the Everyman @ Every-When Mode of Multidimensional Pattern Recognition.

The leading Mode of Learning/Participation for Our Electronic Consciousness . . .
Here in the Age of Integrative Literacy.


{[( NewS Patterns are Perceived within the Changing Rhythms )]}

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